DVLA's February 2025 auction was an online event that ran from Wednesday 12th February to Tuesday 18th February 2025.
TOP 10
3 FU £89,960
66 OAT £39,987
200 000 £38,086
RVS 1 £33,477
PAD 6L £32,180
6 RUP £31,551
160 Y £30,909
105 B £27,956
DAM 1T £27,160
AR56 NAL £23,231
Prices quoted in this report include fees and taxes.
In at the top of this auction was 3 FU that sold for £89,960. Interestingly all 'FU' plates were previously prohibited by the DVLA as these could potentially be offensive (We will let you decide what the 2 letters are short for !!).
Previously sold ‘FU’ plates 2 FU sold for £74,565 a year ago and 911 FU made £32,180 later that year in May 2024. Don’t be surprised to see more of these plates released in the future considering the prices they achieved.
In at number 2 was 66 OAT ('GOAT, G GOAT') which made £39,897. 'GOAT' – with the acronym of Greatest of All Time. Variations of 'The GOAT', including THE 904T have previously been sold at several auctions. Presumably, somebody thinks they are worthy of this title parting with just under £40k for it.
In 3rd place was the increasingly popular letter ‘O’s with 200 OOO selling for £38,086. Just in last month’s auction we saw 2 of these visually pleasing O plates in the top 5 – in 2nd place was 86 OO (£33,156) and 3rd place was 8000 O £32,257.
Taking the 4th spot was RVS 1 (£33,477) which would be a fantastic plate for a business or an individual with these initials as the number 1 is always the most popular. 5th was PAD 6L (£32,180) possibly referring to the sport Padel which was invented in Mexico in 1969, similar but not the same as tennis, squash or badminton.
An interesting variety of word plates were sold in this auction, DAM 1T ('Damn it, Dam it') £27,160 we couldn't decide if the buyer was expressing their exasperations or possibly building something along the waterways. Another enigma was 5 WOW ('5 Wow') at £18,454.
Possibly somebody with a religious connection was 81 ESS ('Bless') which sold for £16,926. PLU 9S ('Plugs') could have been £16,130 well spent on promoting an electrician or an electrical business and 745 TY at £13,318 for a ‘Tasty’ investment for a restaurant or catering company.
This one could have been purchased for a number of different reasons FLY 111G ('Flying') for only £12,946 – Pilot, flying school or just somebody that is excelling particularly well in something. OUT 500N ('Out soon') at £7,797 was another number that could suit a range of situations, from celebrating the publication of a novel to the impending end of a period spent languishing in one of His Majesty's correctional institutions. LOG 130 hopefully was purchased by a lumberjack at £6,590. OAS 15X ('Oasis X') £7155 could it be Liam or Noel ?? or somebody that is after a peaceful refuge or relief from a busy or stressful environment looking for a place of tranquility.
XGO 4T ('X GOAT, Ex-GOAT') not a patch on the 2nd place in this auction, but then neither was the price at £12,933, it seems that the buyer has already accepted that their tenure as the greatest is over.
AWA 155S ('Awais') at £15,501 and H49 RRY ('Harry') for £13,048. Yet again, the seemingly endless supply of 'Singh' plates provided one lucky buyer with J451 NGH ('JA Singh') for £12,933, while ALF 31E snapped up his name plate at £10,493.
S41 NDY ('Sandy, Sindy') sold for £10,365, 4 MUL ('Amul') for £10,365 and MKH 14N ('M Khan') for £9,081.
Some lucky fan scored the best football plate of this auction with AR56 NAL ('Arsenal') £23,231.
The best of the rest
Porsche owners were spoiled for choice again this month, the same with 'Singh' name registrations, '911' number plates are frequent features of the DVLA auctions. This month we saw the sales of 911 SEB for £16,977, 911 BEE for £15,154, 911 SAJ for £9,209 and 911 MBN for £8,028.
Other models also appeared, with 992 GTS selling for £20,637, 918 O selling for £18,095 and 993 SH for £16,143.
The stats
February's DVLA online auction comprised 2,000 lots, 1,969 of which were sold and 31 unsold. Purchasers spent a total of £6,482,992, delivering £6,138,145 to the Treasury.
The next DVLA timed online auction will take place from Wednesday 19th March to Tuesday 25th March 2025.
Contact Moonstone Plates
If you are interested in BUYING or SELLING a number plate, get in touch with our team today and we can help you. Either click here to contact us, visit us at www.moonstoneplates.com, give us a call on 01995 213112 or drop us a message on one of our social medias and we would be more than happy to advise and assist you.