A sustainable development partnership, Moonstone Plates meet's Review Forest!

A Sustainable Future

is one where we keep our planet healthy and habitable for us and our future generations, making planting trees a crucial step to fight climate change. This battle against environmental degradation and for a sustainable future is one that we all must fight together to succeed. That's why we are proud to announce our partnership with ReviewForest that has been going since July 1st, 2021!


What is "Sustainable development" and is it possible to achieve it?

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of our present life without compromising the future of generations to meet their own needs. We believe it is possible, especially if everyone plays their part, like us. Every business, no matter how big or small should be helping to reduce their carbon footprint emissions' along with reducing waste by using more recycled/recyclable material.


Who are Review Forest?

Review Forest are an organisation based in Berlin, Germany which was founded at the end of 2019, whose goals are to "look for more ways to support the environment and combat climate change." The ways Review Forest commits to this is by partnering up with people like Plant-for-the-Planet to deliver their current project with them, which plants more than 20 different native tree species on its own planting site on the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. The tropical climate offers ideal growing conditions and trees will bind CO2 more quickly by growing faster than in temperate regions. They also have two more projects on called "Eden Reforestation Projects" and "Reforest now."


Let's talk Review Forest x Moonstone Plates

We are very proud to support the Review Forest, who enable businesses like us to help the planet by planting trees for every review we get but it also allows local people to get fair payed, longer term jobs which in term helps the locals provide for their family and helps support the global economy. The project that we take part in is the Plant-for-the-Planet in Mexico. Trees here are usually planted during the rainy season between July and December and Plant-for-the-Planet will take care of the trees for up to three years after planting. So, how does this work? Well, each and every google written review for businesses that joined ReviewForest, like us, plants one new tree pre-review. ReviewForest captures every google review and guarantees the tree is planted in which project you are in.


How does planting one tree help the planet?

Every tree transforms CO2 into breathable air, effectively acting as one small bioreactor that can help delay the accumulation of climate-changing emissions in our atmosphere. Trees are the single most efficient way for capturing and storing CO2. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) already concluded removing carbon from the atmosphere is necessary to avoid climate crises in addition to swiftly reducing our emissions altogether. The restoration of healthy native forests supports combatting the climate crises and the degradation of natural habitats.

Does this cost me anything?

No, this does not cost you anything. Except for the couple of seconds, it takes you to leave the review! For every review Moonstone Plates receives, we will pay for the planting of the tree. So if you have dealt with us or would like a tree planted in your name, to help build and achieve a sustainable future, please leave a review here.


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Take a look on our website at the thousands and thousands of private number plates to suit all budgets with prices starting at just £275, it is a perfect & unique gift for everybody.

Click the link www.moonstoneplates.com/buy or press our logo to go back to the home page to begin your number plate journey!

Or if you would like to speak to someone you can call our team Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm at 01995 213112 or click here to contact us!


Looking to sell a private number plate?

Alternatively, if you have a registration plate and are looking to sell or know someone who might you can click here to go to our sell page or give our team a call on 01995 213112.


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