Cherished Number Plates in the UK: Adding Value, History, and Personal Touch to Your Vehicle.

Cherished number plates also commonly known as personalised or private number plates, have been a very popular choice for vehicle owners within the UK over the last 20+ years, as the population is ever growing, so does the demand for Cherished Number Plates for sale. Offering more than a unique identifier to your car, they can be a status symbol or luxury, especially when seen on high-end vehicles. Some famous personalities, celebrities and businesses are synonymous with cherished number plates, making them even more desirable, they also add personal flair that showcases your individuality and over time can even increase in value.


Many of the number plates come with a great historical significance, with UK’s vehicle registration system dating back over a century ago, those that were issued in the early 1900s are particularly rare, very valuable and some are highly collectible, especially if the combination of letters and numbers are short, i.e. A1 issued in 1903 and is one of the most famous cherished plates ever and has changed ownership over the years for substantial amounts.

There are 4 style of Cherished Number Plates:

Dateless – issued from 1903 - 1963

Suffix – issued from 1963 - 1983

Prefix – issued from 1983 - 2001

Current – issued from 2001 – today

For a more detailed look into the history of the number plate click here


For some, these plates are a form of investment, much like rare stamps or classic cars, cherished number plates can increase in value over time. Many buyers do view them as an alternative asset class, investing in plates with the expectation of appreciation. The market for these plates can fluctuate, but the demand for short, unique or meaningful plates remains ever present by car enthusiasts, collectors, and those looking for a unique gift.


Cherished number plates not only offer your vehicle to stand out on the road, but they are also a unique way to express your own personal identity, with many people choosing plates that feature their initials, name, a significant date, or something meaningful to them, like a hobby, sport, trade or favourite word. The prestige associated with cherished number plates also enhances their appeal.


Cherished number plates for sale in the UK are more than just a means of identifying a vehicle, they represent a blend of personalisation, history and potential financial gain. Whether you’re looking to make a personal statement, add prestige to your vehicle, or invest in a unique asset, a cherished number plate can provide significant value and enjoyment.



Looking to buy a Cherished number plate?

Take a look on our website at the thousands and thousands of private number plates to suit all budgets with prices starting at just £275, it is a perfect & unique gift for everybody.

Click the link or press our logo to go back to the home page to begin your number plate journey!

Or if you would like to speak to someone you can call our team Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm at 01995 213112 or click here to contact us!


Looking to sell a private number plate?

Alternatively, if you have a registration plate and are looking to sell or know someone who might you can click here to go to our sell page or give our team a call on 01995 213112.


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